
Our whole family looks forward to our devotions from Unwrapping the Greatest Gift! Although I had great hopes of having everyone together every night, conflicting schedules of the seven of us have me thinking more of Grand Central Station than the peaceful scene I have planned!  We soldier on though, and remember that life doesn’t have to be Hallmark perfect to be a great memory!

Tonight our devotions are going to be with just me and two littlest girls. Since my energy is running low tonight, I’m going to choose a calming activity to do with them. I’m going to put them in the bath, and have devotions there! I’ve got some glow sticks that I’m going to surprise them with….we can turn off the lights and pretend we are in the belly of a whale!  The goal is to help them connect with the story. I know we will continue to talk about Jonah this week!

Sometimes it’s only when you see that you have very little in your hands that you can take hold of God’s very big hands. Could there ever be a bigger, better gift than getting more of God? Jonah said sorry to God and turned around, right there in the turning and churning tummy of the fish. You always get the greatest gift when you turn around and go the right way, right toward the smiling ways of God.  – Unwrapping the Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp