Helping Preschoolers Unwrap the Greatest Gift – Day 12


Today we are going to work on some social-emotional play with our preschoolers, and throw in some fine-motor skills as well. Since agriculture and wheat are talked about in the story of Ruth and Boaz, we are going to grow some crops. You can do this several ways. You can fill a sensory bin with potting soil and use that to “plant” your wheat and beans, or you can use play dough or clay to be your dirt. We happen to have some of our play dough left from a few days ago, so we will use that.

We found some wheat stalks in the floral supply section of the craft store and added some dried beans for planting. Pushing the beans into the play dough is great for building finger strength and fine motor skills. Provide some forks for “tilling”…they make nice lines in play dough. Of course, your little ones may find other adventures with the supplies you provide, and that is okay! Explain how farmers till the soil, dig a hole, plant a seed, and cover it up, but beyond that, let them work in their own way.

“It sure didn’t look like miracles were happening in the story of Naomi and Ruth, did it? No angels appeared stage left, no donkeys started talking, no fireballs fell from heaven. But did you see that? All the little things that happened – they happened to be little miracles. All that’s happening around you every day is happening to make miracles.

Every little thing is going to be okay, because God is working good through every little thing. There is never a night, never a darkness when gifts and miracles and joy aren’t coming – coming right to you.”

– Ann Voskamp, Unwrapping the Greatest Gift

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